Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Policy of Be A Mentor, Inc.
Be A Mentor, Inc (BAM) is a 501(C)(3) registered, non-profit organization facilitating at-risk
youth mentoring and is committed to a diverse, inclusive, and equitable environment where
all board members, staff, volunteers, and members feel empowered, contented, respected
and valued to give their best without reservation or obstruction regardless of gender, age,
race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation or identity, disability, education, or any
other bias. We’re committed to being nondiscriminatory and providing equal opportunities
for employment, volunteering, and advancement in all areas of our work. The aim of this
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion policy (herein referred to as the “Policy”) is to foster a
corporate and ethical culture where our staff is truly representative of all sections of society
and where each employee, contractor, or volunteer (“Members”) of Be A Mentor, Inc. feels
empowered, contented and respected to give their best without reservation or obstruction.
The Policy’s role is:
• To encourage equal opportunity, fairness, and respect for all staff in our employment,
whether they be paid or voluntary, temporary, part-time, or full-time Members, including
Board Members.
• To promote non-discrimination based on an individual’s characteristics including one or
more of the following, in no particular order: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage
and civil union, pregnancy and maternity, race (including nationality, ethnicity and/or
national origin), religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation.
• To oppose and preclude all forms of discrimination, including but not limited to
compensation, pay and benefits, other terms and conditions of employment, dealing with
grievances and discipline, leave for dependents and/or parents, requests for flexible
working arrangements, selection for employment, promotion, training, and/or other
developmental opportunities, and dismissal.
Be A Mentor, Inc. commits:
• To endorse, incorporate and cultivate diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace,
as these mirror the professional values of Be A Mentor, Inc., and are fitting upright tenets.
• To foster a working environment free of intimidation, bullying, harassment,
victimization, and discrimination, promoting dignity and respect for all, and where individual
distinctions and the contributions of all staff are acknowledged, respected, and embraced.
• To allow a safe environment for Members to report or express discomfort with any
actions or activities that conflict with the intent of this Policy.
• To provide opportunities for training, development, and progression available to all
staff, who will be encouraged and supported to develop their full potential, so their talents
and resources can be fully utilized to maximize the efficiency of our organization.
• To review employment practices and procedures, when necessary, to ensure fairness
and update them and the Policy to take account of changes in the law.
• To monitor the make-up of the workforce regarding information such as age, sex, ethnic
background, sexual orientation, disability, and religion or belief in encouraging diversity,
equity, and inclusion, and in meeting the aims and commitments set out in the Policy.
Monitoring will also include evaluating how the Policy, and any supporting action plan, are
working in practice, reviewing them yearly, and examining and taking direct action to
address any issues.
• This commitment includes keeping our staff informed about their rights and
responsibilities under this Policy.
• Be A Mentor, Inc., will educate their Members, during their onboarding and annual
refresher training, on the tenants of this Policy.
• Be A Mentor, Inc and their Members may be held liable for wilful acts of harassment,
bullying, victimization, and unlawful discrimination against fellow employees, partner
agencies and their personnel, and the public interest.
• Be A Mentor, Inc. will take seriously any complaint of harassment, bullying, victimization
and unlawful discrimination by fellow employees, customers, vendors, the public interest,
and any other related parties during the organization’s work activities.
• Be A Mentor, Inc. will deal with such activity as a misconduct under the organization’s
grievance and/or disciplinary procedures, and appropriate action will be taken.
Our members’ responsibilities include, among others, to conduct themselves in an
appropriate manner to assist Be A Mentor, Inc. in developing the right organizational and
ethical culture in providing equal opportunities in employment, and to prevent bullying,
harassment, victimization, and unlawful discrimination.
An exceptionally serious complaint could amount to gross misconduct and lead to dismissal
without notice. Moreover, gross misconduct of any nature may amount to both an
employment rights matter and a criminal matter.
Use of the organization’s grievance and/or disciplinary procedures does not affect a staff
member’s right to make a claim to an employment tribunal per protocol.
Details of the organization’s grievance and disciplinary policy and procedure can be found in
the HR Manual. This includes with whom an employee should raise a grievance.
This Policy has been agreed with staff representatives of Be A Mentor, Inc. and is fully
supported by the Executive Management and the Board of Directors.